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25 Ways to Prevent Teen Dating & Sexual Violence

During February and throughout the year!


1. Recognize the widespread problem of teen dating & sexual violence and how we each contribute to it.

2. Educate yourself and others on the reality of dating & sexual violence.

3. Know that dating & sexual violence is about power and control. Recognize sexual violence can be a part of dating violence.

4. Use respectful language and speak up against sexism and the attitudes, jokes, comments, and behaviors that you see contributing to it.

5. Challenge all stereotypes. Support everyone’s equality.

6. Define what you want in a healthy relationship. Equality, open communication and boundaries are great values to consider.

7. Believe and support victims.

8. Lessen the stigma for victims by openly discussing how dating & sexual violence affects us all.

9. Know victims can be any gender, sexual orientation and race. Recognize unique challenges and barriers different victims may experience.

10. Define your own masculinity or femininity. Challenge society’s view of men as violent and dominant individuals and women as passive and subordinate objects.

11. Be media literate. Pay attention to images and messages in music, TV, online and in movies and about gender and violence. Talk about what you don’t like and what you do like.

12. Advocate for more violence prevention educational programming.

13. Respect yourself and others. Expect to be respected.

14. Realize you always have the right to end a relationship and that you should always respect someone else’s wish to end a relationship with you.

15. Participate in and organize something with friends, school groups or your community during February’s Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Awareness Month!

16. Get consent for sexual activity. Openly communicate with your partner.

17. Practice bystander intervention. Safely prevent or stop violence when you see it happening.

18. Know how to stay safe and protect your privacy on the internet. Don’t harass, threaten, or spread rumors about others online.

19. Talk about healthy relationships and sexual respect. Have ongoing discussions.

20. Be a positive role model. Model and teach critical thinking skills, equality and respect.

21. Support your local domestic violence or sexual assault center. Donate time, money or supplies.

22. Contact your local legislators and political leaders and ask them to support bills that will advocate for victims’ rights, hold perpetrators accountable, and assist prevention and direct service agencies with funding. 23. Use your voice to talk about dating & sexual violence -and- healthy relationships & sexual respect: Write a letter to the editor of your newspaper or an article for your school or workplace newsletter. Write a story or blog; create a PSA; Make a poster and get permission to put it up in a public place.

24. Believe that a safer world is possible. We all deserve a safe and happy life free from violence.

25. Know that YOU have the power to make a difference.

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