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1. How long have you been self harming? Discuss why you started.
2. What part of your body is most affected by it?
3. What is your motivation to recover?
4. Do you consider yourself “addicted”? why or why not?
5. What part of self harm do you dislike the most?
6. What about it do you enjoy?
7. list 10 activities that help you calm down.
8. What the most supportive thing anyone has said to you about self harm?
9. Have you ever taken pictures of your wounds? Discuss.
10. How do you feel about your scars?
11. Strangest place (school, park, etc) you’ve ever injured yourself?
12. Where do you keep your ‘tools’? (Your room, in a box, disposed of them?)
13. What is the biggest realization about self harm you’ve had?
14. Is there anyone you consider to be an inspiration in your recovery?
15. Do you visit any websites about self harm? If so, what are they?
16. What advice would you give to someone about self harm?
17. Do you know anyone else who injures themselves? 
18. Write a letter to the future (recovered) you.
19. List 5 reasons that recovery is worth it.
20. What is the most vivid memory you have of self harm.
21. Have you tried to stop in the past? What are you doing differently this time?
22. Where do you feel the most calm?
23. What is your favorite inspirational quote?
24. What are some of your main triggers? Why?
25. Do you know any statistics about self harm?
26. What is something that makes you the most happy?
27. Discuss any and all progress you have made.
28. What short-term goals do you have?
29. Do you follow any self-harm blogs?
30. Post your favorite picture of yourself and write a positive message to look back on.

Day 1- How long have you been self harming? Discuss why you started.
It started in 7th grade. The first time was a slight scratch, I wanted to be cool and 'emo' and fit in. Then It became, to get my mind off everything else going on. To realease all the pissed off effed up emotions. And the slight amusement of passing out.

Day 2- What part of your body is most affected by it?

My thighs.

Day 3- What is your motivation to recover? 
I don't exactly have one, not one strong enough to be fully commited into stopping. But my best friend, I don't want to accidently mess up and leave her.

Day 4- Do you consider yourself “addicted”? why or why not?
I do, sort of. Sometimes, even if I don't want to, or have no reason or need to, I can't resist picking it up.

Day 5- What part of self harm do you dislike the most?
The judgement people give you when they find out about it. The way people assume you are. The unneeded sympathy offered. The way people freak out.

Day 6- What about it do you enjoy?
How it calms me down.

Day 7- List 10 activities that help you calm down
1. cutting.
2. writing.
3. blasting music.
4. screaming.
5. reading.
6. Sleeping.
7. My cat
8. My pictures
9. Random chats with people I don't know
10. Warcraft

Day 8- What is the most supportive thing anyone has ever said to you about self harm?
That they couldn't manage if I left, that I am worth more than that. 

Day 9- Have you ever taken pictures of your wounds? Discuss.
Well..yeah. They make for some cool grotesque looking pictures, not that I share them with anyone.

Day 10- How do you feel about your scars?
I have a love hate relation ship with them. I hate that I have to hide them. I love that they show where I've been, and how things have changed. Kind of like a time line. I really want a band aid tattooed over them.

Day 11- Strangest place you’ve ever injured yourself?
Church...I got extremely pissed.

Day 12- Where do you keep your ‘tools’? (Your room, in a box, disposed of them?)
In a cabbinent in my shower.

Day 13- What is the biggest realization about self harm you’ve had?
That I could have easily died at one point, that it's not something to play with. How I use to think haha, stupid emo kid. Wtf is your problem. And that I now understand why.

Day 14- Is there anyone you consider to be an inspiration in your recovery?
Not really, no.

Day 15- Do you visit any websites about self harm? If so, what are they?
Just this one. 

Day 16- What advice would you give to someone about self harm?
Don't start. It's....horrible. It's a downward spiral. Do you like wearing cute tank tops and shorts? Well no more of that. Do you like going swimming? None of that either. Do you want to keep open relationships with people? Say bye to that. Do you like being social and talkative? Well you can't now. It changes how you live. It's always on your mind. It won't go away. It only gets worse. You stop talking. You cut off relationships to avoid talking about it. You always have to hide your little secret. If you want to start, for whatever reasons. Don't. Go call whoever will listen and talk to them.

Day 17- Do you know anyone else who injures themselves?
I know sevreal people who do. Or who have a few times here and there. Only one person who is a some what serious case.

Day 18- Write a letter to the future (recovered) you.
Dear Kelsey, I'm glad you're no longer a dumbass. I'm glad you got help. I'm glad you finally opened up to someone. Go you. Just remember, where you were, were I am now, and don't ever go back. Don't let things get like that again. Ever. Thanks. 

Day 19- List 5 reasons that recovery is worth it.
- so people won’t look at you like you’re crazy
- so you can wear shorts, damn florida gets hot
- so you’re everyone doesn’t get upset with you
- so you don’t dread when you get called to the guidance office at school
- so you don’t have to live your life hiding 

Day 20- What is the most vivid memory you have of self harm.

Quite honestly, I don't even want to type it.

Day 21- Have you tried to stop in the past? What are you doing differently this time?
Yeah. And I failed. And I gave up.

Day 22- Where do you feel the most calm?
Asleep, or in the shower.

Day 23- What is your favorite inspirational quote?
I can't say that I have one.

Day 24- What are some of your main triggers? Why?
Self-hate. Parents. Stress of school.

Day 25- Do you know any statistics about self harm?
Eh, I've heard differnt ones here and there over the years.

Day 26- What is something that makes you the most happy?
I... I don't know to be honest.

Day 27- Discuss any and all progress you have made.
It's all been downhill recently...

Day 28- What short-term goals do you have?
I don't like setting goals I know I can't keep...

Day 29- Do you follow any self-harm blogs?

Day 30- Post your favorite picture of yourself and write a positive message to look back on.

I didn't feel like posting a picture, Just. If I was happy at one point, it can happen again, right?

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